As from 1st January, qualifying company Annual Reports need to address the provisions of both the FRC’s updated Corporate Governance Code 2018, and s.172 of the Companies Act as amended in 2018.
Cumulatively they have wide-ranging impacts on what you need to include in your Report, how and where in the Report they should be addressed, and how they will best be conveyed.
In line with our Best Practice approach to Reporting, we’ve put together the infographic below to summarise key changes and our thoughts on suitable treatments. This is likely to evolve as we discuss with more clients and other stakeholders. We’ve also briefly addressed ESMA’s new ESEF regulations, which will impact from 1st January next year.
If you have any feedback, or if you’d like to talk with us about your Corporate Reporting, please contact Tim Black on +44 (0)20 3794 1736 or email [email protected].