We've rebranded

Following our MBO last year, we've been trading under licence as Imprima Financial Print. 

We're delighted to announce that from today, we have rebranded to:




Why have we rebranded?

A year on from our MBO, we felt it was time to gain a little more independence from our former parent.

We're still the same team, with the same worldwide offices and the same years of experience, but the change in ownership has allowed us to grow, to innovate, and to focus on providing our customers with an unrivalled service.

Our brand reflects the 125 year history of our business from its origins as The Solicitors’ Law Stationery Society through to Imprima. This history is built on people and experience. Our two Directors, Chris Callow and Tim Black, have over 40 years’ of industry experience between them.

Our clients and our market are incredibly dynamic; printing is just one element of the broad range of services we now provide which help to make each client’s journey easier.

What’s different?

First and foremost, our vision and mission.

Black&Callow began with the aim of becoming the premium provider of financial printing services by being the most customer focussed and delivering a world-class service. To make this happen we joined the Institute of Customer Service in February 2015 and the whole team is now accredited.

To achieve the ServiceMark award we’ve canvassed a broad cross-section of our clients and we’re proud to have exceeded the ICS’s ‘World Class Service’ benchmark of 80%.

We’ve also focused on building bespoke technology to ensure we remain at the forefront of meeting regulatory requirements, such as providing the most user-friendly, guaranteed Listing Authority and Stock Exchange-compliant black lined and comparison files.

We have bolstered our secure in-house typesetting capacity to ensure we continue to provide an unrivalled service for speed, confidentiality, flexibility and control. This capacity means we can undertake and succeed at even the most demanding tasks because we have built-in contingency in every area of our business.

What’s the same?

People: we have the same talented team working around the clock; including our project managers, each of whom has at least fifteen years of experience.

Places: we are still based in London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Paris with worldwide partnerships to ensure we can meet every challenge.

Virtual Data Rooms: we continue to work alongside the Imprima Group, the leading Due Diligence Virtual Data Room provider to ensure a seamless service.