Black&Callow has been a registered SEC Filing Agent for 14 years and has Edgarised many thousands of pages across multiple form types – from graphic-heavy 500-page+ 20-F filings, to 1 page 6-K press releases. No matter what size the project, we provide a complete and professional service from typesetting to EDGAR conversion and filing with rigorous document control.
We aim to provide accurate, high-quality and fast turnaround EDGAR conversion. We can either convert directly from your file (MS Word, pdf, excel) or, if running a parallel print version, our advanced typesetting system can convert directly to HTML.
Our experienced technical & customer service staff will guide you throughout the process. We have an in-depth understanding of SEC regulations, EDGAR requirements and all technical specifications needed to file successfully, as well as staying alert to any new directives launched by the SEC. For example, the SEC recently issued a notice informing all Form 13F Filers that they needed to file their Form 13F using an online form with a table constructed in XML. As we already had the bespoke software in place to fulfil these filings, our clients who file Form 13F were not affected by the change.
The requirement for XBRL tagging has been another challenge for Filers and Filing Agents alike. The tagging of financial information is mandatory for filers using the U.S. GAAP taxonomy and is due to be rolled out to companies using the IFRS taxonomy. We equally offer a full XBRL service.