

Capable of revising over 8,000 pages per week, Black&Callow's in-house typesetting capacity is unparalleled in Europe; our skilled operators work 24 hours a day and 7 days a week whenever necessary, enabling us to provide you with the fastest, most accurate proof turnaround in the industry.

Every project is assigned a dedicated Customer Service team available around the clock to facilitate rapid response alterations – whenever they are needed. Black&Callow's own highly skilled typesetters and proof-readers comprise part of your working party group, ensuring consistency and accuracy for the duration of your project.


Black&Callow has been awarded ISO9001 quality accreditation. This enables us to give you a guarantee of the highest levels of quality control in the market today. Every proof is scrutinised by professional proof-readers, working alongside our typesetting team, who ensure all changes are captured correctly, maintaining our impressive accuracy rate.

A selection of large pagination documents & projects we have worked on is outlined below, all undertaken by members of the current team and all typeset in-house at Black&Callow:

