Black&Callow critical in £22.5bn recapitalisation of Lloyds Banking Group plc
Black&Callow helped Lloyds with both its £13.5bn Rights Issue and £9bn Exchange Offer. An integral part of the project team, their role encompassed typesetting, production & mailing of documents to shareholders.
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Reuters TV article Black&Callow
Published on Feb 1, 2016 2015 was a record year for Mergers & Acquisitions with deal volumnes up by more than 40 percent on the previous year, totalling $4.6 trillion. It was also good for the people who print the documents as Hayley Platt reports when she goes behind the scenes of financial printers Black & Callow.
New year predictions: Tim Black, Black & Callow
It's been a big year for Tim Black, joint managing director at the former Imprima Financial Print business, now renamed Black & Callow following the MBO at the company 12 months ago.
All-nighters and Xboxes: in record M&A year printers keep busy
When bankers talk about paper, they usually mean stocks and bonds. But in a record year for M&A, for the people who print the documents for the bids and offers and prospectuses for corporate deals, paper means paper -- and lots of it. A Reuters new story by Freya Berry